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By: Shawn Sauve on April 7, 2021

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5 Tips to Improve Field Operations for Increased Productivity

Operating Insights

When it comes to construction project management, project managers often need to deal with unexpected challenges. Though technology has come a long way in improving the process of workflow management and business efficiency, the only thing that defines success is identifying the right set of tools.

Besides this, the managers should understand the process of making the best use of technology resources for yielding maximum productivity from the routine process. However, reinforcing new technology is more of an essential that helps to take control of field operations and resources.

In order to achieve such efficiency, project managers need to identify the most valuable resources which can help have the right approach to construction, while accommodating the entire data into operations.

Nevertheless, to complete such goals, project managers need to align with certain practices that can help make maximum with the field productivity and operations. Here are 5 essential tips that project managers and contractors need to adopt when it is necessary to align with field operations.

Go Paperless

The first thing which can help you get maximum business efficiency with field operations is adopting the right technology platform that can handle mobile field operations. Using such solutions helps to prevent error with the project data capturing for maximum productivity.

Also, using a digital solution to record project data is more economical as paperwork demands filling and processing by several fields and office teams consume a lot of time. Moreover, it brings the concern of information legibility, copying paper-based data to the system, difficulty sharing information with clients and teams, etc. All such issues may add to the project expenses causing delay to a particular activity while improving communication and optimizing operational speed.

Define the Entire Process

The next thing which needs to be defined is the process of developing the project. It should include the entire data that needs to complete each stage of the project, i.e., scheduling of the tasks to the deliverables. Implementing the perfect process can even make it easier for teams to connect for data points and define the right set of tools and resources to improve operations.

For instance, contractors who do not have the access to technology find it difficult to request a piece of equipment due to missing employee and schedule coordination. On the other hand, using construction management software can help understand worker availability and plan equipment allocation to avoid any unwanted loss.

Therefore, it must be the primary approach of the project managers to define the process in an efficient manner in order to retain workflow and planned use of resources.

Flexible Workflow

When it comes to an adaptive solution that allows you to take command over the projects from a distance, one thing that you must seek is flexibility. This allows the project managers to be ready at all times to perform their jobs without any reference from the back office. Besides this, contractors need to identify all the significant tools that you need to keep things streamlined:

  • Data flow to have access to information whenever and wherever
  • Standardization of workers
  • Collaboration between field personnel and back-office
  • Workflow management with a standardized approval process
  • Intelligent system integrations or an all-in-one software
  • Ensure proper documents specific to project regulations

Besides this, the contractors and project managers should opt for the technology that offers smart client connection, GPS or RFID system to track workers, attachment options, and payroll services, etc.

Field Operation Analysis

When you are working on field operations analysis, it lets you take command of production detail and reports. This needs the project managers to obtain the data and optimize the information for maximizing productivity. Besides this, analyzing the field operations data allows a significant understanding of operations to streamline demand for resources.

Moreover, you can even try to seek features like email integration in order to schedule notifications for better reporting. This can even be used to produce reports that can help to customize the operational process as per the deliverables.

Enhanced Customer Connection

In the construction industry, clients drive the entire project from the beginning to the end. This begins with the approval process as well as customer involvement during the important tasks such as completion of a particular activity or stage of the project.

Also, the customers having tracking and approval capabilities can speed up the process and improve the retention capacity of the business.

The Crux

All in all, improving field operations demand construction contractors consider so many aspects of the project delivery. However, technology is one such asset that has maximum contribution in achieving customized goals for different projects with efficiency. Technology not only drives happier customers but leverage the business capacity to resist the downtime due to competition. Thus, utilizing the above tips can support contractors and project managers to streamline their field operations and yield maximum productivity with resource management.

Good Luck!

ShawnSauveShawn Sauve is Vice President – Sales at ProjectPro - Construction Accounting Software. Shawn has been helping organizations grow by aligning the right people processes and technology both within his own organization and for the clients from various industries like Construction, Financial Services and Information Technology. He is a strategic thinker and visionary who can see the big picture and focus on key issues to accomplished established goals.