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Casey Heigl

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Casey Heigl
January 12, 2022

The construction industry is always changing and evolving. Every year new trends appear within the industry, from technological advancements to a stronger focus on sustainability. If you run a construction company and you want to make sure you stay ahead of the game, it can be useful to be aware of emerging trends that could prepare you for the future.

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Casey Heigl
October 14, 2020

The construction industry has high employment projections and is expected to see substantial growth over the next few years. Construction and extraction occupations are expected to grow 11% between 2016 and 2026, faster than the 7% average forecast for all occupations. For construction and extraction, 758,400 new jobs are projected by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).


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Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Casey Heigl
October 14, 2020

Every time you turn on the news, it seems like another natural disaster has struck in some part of the world. From major floods and hurricanes to earthquakes and tornadoes, natural disasters of all types are becoming increasingly common around the globe—including right here in the United States.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Casey Heigl
August 7, 2020

Climate is the biggest and most important factor in construction; it’s what determines the materials used, the time frame for construction and the durability and longevity of the constructed building.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Casey Heigl
August 7, 2020

There is no denying that technology has altered our lives forever. From the powerful smartphones we carry with us everywhere we go to the satellite systems that guide us in the right direction as we navigate from one place to the next, technology is interwoven into virtually every part of our lives. Even our homes and other buildings are being constructed in revolutionary ways that make them sturdier and longer-lasting than ever before.