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Doug Bevill

Blog Feature


By: Doug Bevill
June 17, 2022

One of the biggest challenges building product manufacturers struggle with is having an effective, multi-channel marketing strategy. The complexity of the commercial construction industry has been underestimated as far back as I can recall and seems to be multiplying. For BPMs, the complexity is the highest it's ever been. For most BPMs to realize sustained success, creating and maintaining a combination of strategic and tactical approaches with the entire building team is essential.

Blog Feature


By: Doug Bevill
August 27, 2021

Understanding the performance of construction industry segments is the key to maximizing sales and profits for building product manufacturers. Currently the construction industry is in a fluid state, breaking from, and yet still anchored to, some long-established processes. This blog will attempt to identify and address the key segments which need monitoring and the use of contemporary tools to identify and maximize marketing and sales efforts for BPMs.


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Blog Feature


By: Doug Bevill
August 27, 2021

So, you’re a building product manufacturer and you’ve watched your sales continually rise in this latest, impressive expansion, up to the COVID -19 reset. The assumption would be that things are going well for your company, right? The evidence is in your sales growth chart, a nice steady line upward trend, correct? But is this enough evidence to prove you are growing as much as you could during this expansion? What more do you need to see or understand? With the correct data you can quickly answer these very important questions and chart your growth against the industry.

Blog Feature


By: Doug Bevill
August 27, 2021

To building product manufacturers, I cannot stress enough the importance of specification. During the coronavirus pandemic, which is currently keeping us from face-to-face meetings, web-based availability of a BPM’s content to specifiers has never been more of a necessity. Architects, engineers, and specification writers want the latest, most accurate version of the specification and other content and they assume that this up-to-date information is available on the BPM’s website.