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Holly Welles

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 26, 2022

Most construction companies want to deliver the best possible results for their clients while expending the least possible resources. Yet, the construction industry has traditionally been littered with waste and inefficiencies. Today, some of the most successful companies use lean construction philosophy to guide their operations. Companies that do regularly impress clients, maintain high morale and create high-quality structures.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Holly Welles
April 9, 2021

People are excited about autonomous cars and wonder if they'll forever change passenger transportation. However, the promise of autonomous machines is also making waves in the construction sector. How might it facilitate improvements in this industry soon?


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Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
December 31, 2020

While early builders proved that construction with primitive tools and materials is possible, it would take them generations to accomplish what modern teams can do in a few months.

Blog Feature

By: Holly Welles
November 20, 2020

Construction project management is not a one-size-fits-all practice. Managers and supervisors will change their practices to suit a specific job site, but some approaches continue to be favorites regardless of time, distance or specific need. What are the most popular project management approaches in the construction industry, and why are they essential?

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
September 30, 2020

The construction industry is one of the few left in the world where you can start your career as a laborer and advance through various levels similar to the metaphorical corporate ladder in white-collar jobs. While it's impossible to do this entirely on your own merit, obtaining construction certifications can make those promotions easier to achieve. Here is a list of certifications you might consider if you want to level up your career potential:

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Holly Welles
August 12, 2020

The construction industry can be volatile and unpredictable at the best of times. With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe, construction work is taking a hard hit. Projects are getting delayed and even canceled as regions open and close to try to slow the virus's spread.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
July 22, 2020

Subcontractors fill various niches in the construction industry, bringing their specialized skills whenever and wherever they're needed to complete a project. As with most things, it's important to be careful before choosing a subcontractor for any particular job. What do business owners and project managers need to know to properly vet their new subcontractors before signing on the dotted line? Here are a few tips.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety | COVID-19

By: Holly Welles
May 20, 2020

Businesses across the country and around the globe must close their doors to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Anything not considered essential is closed, and that includes many construction sites and projects.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Holly Welles
May 12, 2020

For any sector that isn't considered essential right now, work is hard to come by. The construction industry has been a mixed bag across states and localities, with some projects continuing and others on pause. While work may be scarce, many supervisors and business owners are looking for ways to keep their teams active and engaged. They're also trying to find methods to keep their employees working when everyone is supposed to be staying home and maintaining six feet of distance in public.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
February 26, 2020

Anyone who works in the construction industry knows that anything can go wrong at a moment's notice. Weather and injuries can delay a project, material shortages may increase prices and lack of communication can completely derail plans. When these things happen, the cost of construction rises. Issues do not bode well for the industry, which runs on a tight schedule and maintains a strict budget to make a profit.