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Holly Welles

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
September 30, 2020

When a firm is just beginning, the business owners can feel a range of emotions. It's exciting to start your own business venture, but it can also be an intimidating process. There are so many things that could happen in the future, especially when the business is new and trying to grow.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 7, 2020

The construction industry is in growth mode across the globe. Construction output is projected to grow 85% by 2030, highlighting the ever-increasing opportunities for professionals in the field. At the same time, there is a lack of skilled laborers, and those same construction companies state they have a hard time filling positions.


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Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 7, 2020

Construction projects run on strict deadlines, keeping up with client demands, weather changes, missing supplies, and other problems to complete on schedule. A disruption can throw a figurative wrench into the works, making the job that much harder. What are some of the most common sources of disorder, and what can company owners and supervisors do to minimize this risk during their next project?

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Holly Welles
August 7, 2020

The Internet of Things (IoT) has incredible implications for the field of construction. It's already proven its value in health care, manufacturing, transportation, and other industries where automation and systems management are critical. With its many applications, it has the potential to improve productivity and safety on jobsites.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Holly Welles
August 7, 2020

Contractors are increasingly adopting new technologies to give themselves an edge over the competition. According to a recent study from USG Corp. and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 74% of contractors expect to adopt advanced technology within the next three years. The majority of them are doing so to increase labor productivity.

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Holly Welles
December 23, 2019

Women have been getting into more diverse fields over the last few decades. Maybe the trend is because of changing ideologies or the economic situation, or maybe there's just a need for more workers in these areas. Whatever the reason, women are starting to put their marks in industries that were previously dominated by men.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
December 11, 2019

The construction industry has a history of sticking to tried-and-true traditions, but the shiny newness of the digital age is making its way in. Many construction managers might be receptive to implementing new tech, but need strategies on how to secure companywide buy-in. Investigating options and benefits allows every worker to reap the benefits of a streamlined workplace.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety | Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
October 18, 2019

One in five Americans struggles with a mental health condition. Society has created a schema of those at risk for psychiatric disorders— women, teenagers, abuse victims and so on. It's not unusual for this schema to give less regard to men — even with changing mental health initiatives — because many people assume men are stronger and less vulnerable to mental health struggles.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 20, 2019

Data makes the world go round. With access to high-speed, readily available information, companies across a range of industries can ensure smart decision making and better investments. Even the construction industry isn't immune to data and digital transformation.