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Kendall Jones

Kendall Jones is the Editor in Chief at ConstructConnect. He has been writing about the construction industry for years, covering a wide range of topics from safety and technology to industry news and operating insights.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
July 7, 2023

As a general contractor, you have to be selective when it comes to the subcontractors you work with. You want to choose companies that have a dependable skilled workforce, strong management, financial stability, and can perform quality work to your company’s standards. To do this, you need to have an established subcontractor prequalification process in place. As with any business decision, picking subcontractors to work with requires you to do your due diligence. You should be prequalifying every subcontractor you’re considering working with to reduce risks that could impact your business, such as subcontractor default or substandard work.

Blog Feature

Construction Fun

By: Kendall Jones
December 19, 2022

As we bid adieu to 2022, it’s once again time for our end-of-year annual tradition. No, I’m not talking about plotting revenge against all those people who sent me fruitcake again this holiday season. It’s finally time to reveal ConstructConnect's Top 5 Coolest Buildings of 2022.


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Blog Feature

Construction Fun

By: Kendall Jones
December 8, 2022

The buildings we create inspire us, reflect who we are as a society, and stand tall against everything we throw at them. They protect us against the elements, hold us up, and we admire their beauty and strength. When you work in the construction industry, you see evidence of your job every day, from the jobsite you worked on last week to the project you’re hoping to get next month. You’re out there, creating something, every single day.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Kendall Jones
October 13, 2022

We’ve compiled the list of Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards for Construction for fiscal year 2022 (October 2021 through September 2022).

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
October 4, 2022

Running a successful construction company isn’t easy. The industry is full of risks and challenges that can lead to failure. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, of the 69,296 private construction firms that started operation in 2001, 56% were still around three years later, 26.6% made it to year 10, and only 17.2% were still in operation 20 years later. That’s a failure rate of nearly 82.8%. Let that sink in for a bit.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
September 30, 2022

When it comes to acquiring construction equipment for your commercial construction company there are a number of factors to consider when it comes time to decide whether you rent, buy or lease.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Kendall Jones
August 16, 2022

Construction sites can be a dangerous work environment. Safety managers and project managers are tasked with identifying and eliminating hazards to ensure the safety of everyone on the jobsite. Conducting a job hazard analysis for each job on a project is an effective method for mitigating potential hazards and protecting workers.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
August 11, 2022

Strong relationships between general contractors and subcontractors are an important component of a successful project. These relationships don’t mature overnight, and it takes time and effort from both parties to build a level of trust that evolves into a strong working partnership. Putting in the work to build these relationships can be mutually beneficial to both parties and pay off for years to come.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Kendall Jones
August 3, 2022

Construction work is inherently dangerous. Construction consistently leads all industries in total worker deaths each year and has one of the highest fatality rates for worker deaths. The top priority of every construction company should be to protect their workers from injuries and ensure everyone makes it home safe at the end of each shift.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
August 3, 2022

As a general contractor, building strong relationships with your clients is important to your company’s success. Good client relationships can lead to repeat business, referrals, and word-of-mouth marketing. A good working relationship built on trust and understanding can go a long way when issues arise on a project.