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Blog Feature

Manufacturing | Architecture

By: Kendall Jones
August 27, 2021

As a building product manufacturer, getting your products specified is key to getting them sold. You need to understand how architects are researching and selecting the products they specify. To get inside the mind of an architect, you need to answer these questions:

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Kendall Jones
April 9, 2021

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s top news and happenings in the construction industry. Each week, we’ll take a look at some of the interesting local, regional, and national stories about construction to keep you better informed of the goings-on in the industry.


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Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Shawn Sauve
November 17, 2020

When it comes to construction management, it starts with an understanding of the project design, construction planning, execution process, along with the effective use of resources. Considering the definition of Project Management Institute, construction project management is defined as the coordination between human and material resources that helps to achieve the defined construction goals while driving the goals related to cost, time, scope, and quality.

Blog Feature

ConstructConnect News | Community Outreach

By: Melissa Bookout
September 24, 2020

Time, talent, treasure. These are the core tenets of ConstructConnect’s outreach efforts. We believe that each person is suited differently to give differently. That’s why we recognize a variety of options, empowering the organization, both on a corporate level and as individual team members, to give “the three” away.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Gregory V. Chapman
September 10, 2020

The construction industry has always been important because of its fundamental role in building society as we know it. However, the industry is facing some critical issues that will be crucial for its future development. Here are some of the most essential issues impacting the commercial construction industry.

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Kendall Jones
August 28, 2020

Here’s a quick rundown of this week’s top news and happenings in the construction industry. Each week, we’ll take a look at some of the interesting local, regional, and national stories about construction to keep you better informed of the goings-on in the industry.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology | Operating Insights

By: Ed Williams
August 26, 2020

With the spread of COVID-19, the construction industry has gone through drastic situations with the continuous loss of business and the suspension of projects. Considering these difficult times, the construction authorities and the government have imposed strict control regulations even for the construction declared essential.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
August 25, 2020

Money talks. Cash is king. Bill early and often, and collect all billings. For most business owners, these are more than simple catch phrases. They are the rules of business that spell the difference between success and failure. And perhaps nowhere is that truer than in the construction industry.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Holly Welles
August 12, 2020

The construction industry can be volatile and unpredictable at the best of times. With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe, construction work is taking a hard hit. Projects are getting delayed and even canceled as regions open and close to try to slow the virus's spread.