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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Holly Welles
April 9, 2021

People are excited about autonomous cars and wonder if they'll forever change passenger transportation. However, the promise of autonomous machines is also making waves in the construction sector. How might it facilitate improvements in this industry soon?

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News | COVID-19

By: Kendall Jones
April 6, 2021

It’s Day 17 of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and things have gone from really bad to really, really, terribly, horribly worse. Since the World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, the total number of cases worldwide has skyrocketed from 126,214 (4,628 deaths) to 530,000+ (24,000+ deaths). In the U.S., that number of cases since March 11 has jumped from 1,301 cases (38 deaths) to over 85,000 reported cases and more than 1,300 dead.


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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Kendall Jones
December 3, 2020

This article was originally published on December 5, 2018. Last updated: April 16, 2020. What do a pickup truck, a nail gun, a portable circular saw, a cement mixer truck, and a modern hydraulic excavator all have in common? The obvious answer is that they are all tools and equipment commonly found on construction sites today. Another correct answer would be that they are all pieces of construction technology that didn’t exist 100 years ago.

Blog Feature

ConstructConnect News | Community Outreach

By: Conley Smith
September 24, 2020

It’s not unusual to find companies that encourage their employees to volunteer in the community. But it’s exciting to work for one that not only talks the talk but helps its team members walk the walk.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Dan Conery
April 2, 2020

Construction mistakes are a common occurrence and as expensive as a construction project is, any mistakes during the project can prove to be equally costly for the company. Moreover, when it comes to big projects, the last thing a contractor wants to deal with are extra costs. Construction mistakes force the contractor to add the repair and maintenance cost to the construction budget.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Conley Smith
March 27, 2020

As each new day brings a new state and federal guideline urging companies and employees to work remotely, the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing how many construction pros work daily. No doubt, the concept of “social distancing” may prove difficult to swallow in an industry built around person-to-person, one-on-one interactions—from directing crews in the field to huddling around plans in the office.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Justin Gitelman
March 18, 2020

Construction technology can add value to your business when struggling to transition through each phase of a project. From bidding new jobs to blueprint apps, workforce time management, and exchanging payment documents, there are many free construction software options, as well as paid ones. This can make everyone’s job easier as you work your way from bidding, into project management, and finally to getting paid.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
February 26, 2020

Anyone who works in the construction industry knows that anything can go wrong at a moment's notice. Weather and injuries can delay a project, material shortages may increase prices and lack of communication can completely derail plans. When these things happen, the cost of construction rises. Issues do not bode well for the industry, which runs on a tight schedule and maintains a strict budget to make a profit.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
February 13, 2020

The construction industry is rapidly changing. There’s an increasing focus on sustainability, resiliency, and energy efficiency. Clients are expecting higher quality projects while also wanting shorter construction timelines on tighter budgets. Technological advancements are reshaping the way we design and construct the built environment. All of these are leading to increasingly more complex construction projects.