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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Kendall Jones
January 27, 2023

Artificial intelligence is all the rage these days. We use it daily in everything from voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, Facebook’s image recognition software, Google’s search engines, and getting recommendations on what to buy from Amazon and what to watch on Netflix.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Chris Galloway
August 26, 2022

The accuracy in which you estimate the cost (and profitability) of your construction work will either make or break your business.


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Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Ben Preston
October 23, 2020

As the light shines brighter on construction technology companies, it has become evident we are in a period of change in the industry. Equipment is getting smarter and rental companies are now able to do more with less.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
September 30, 2020

When a firm is just beginning, the business owners can feel a range of emotions. It's exciting to start your own business venture, but it can also be an intimidating process. There are so many things that could happen in the future, especially when the business is new and trying to grow.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Chris Galloway
August 7, 2020

Safety is always the number one priority in any construction project. Anyone that tells you differently hasn't been in the business long enough. In construction, a safe site is a happy and productive one. At the end of the day, ensuring everyone's safety will keep employee morale up, costs down, and ensure deadlines are met efficiently. It's best to think of safety as the umbrella that every other component of a job falls under. The principles of safety can be complex when you break them down, but there are ways to simplify the goal of a safe and friendly job site.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Ellie Batchiyska
August 7, 2020

When it comes to high-risk work like construction and manufacturing, crises are bound to arise. Employees can find themselves in hazardous situations with no easy means of communicating their peril to other workers.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety | Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
October 18, 2019

One in five Americans struggles with a mental health condition. Society has created a schema of those at risk for psychiatric disorders— women, teenagers, abuse victims and so on. It's not unusual for this schema to give less regard to men — even with changing mental health initiatives — because many people assume men are stronger and less vulnerable to mental health struggles.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: AnnaBeth Rouse
September 26, 2019

As a construction worker, you can get so comfortable with your daily routine that it's easy to forget the risks associated on the jobsite. In high-risk jobs, like construction, becoming numb to the inherent dangers of the jobs can prove to be fatal.

Blog Feature

Construction Technology

By: Kendall Jones
August 23, 2019

Technology is rapidly changing how we design and construct the built environment. It's allowed us to build stronger, taller, and more energy efficient structures. Technology has made construction sites safer and workers more efficient. It has allowed us to increase productivity, improve collaboration, and tackle more complex projects.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 20, 2019

Data makes the world go round. With access to high-speed, readily available information, companies across a range of industries can ensure smart decision making and better investments. Even the construction industry isn't immune to data and digital transformation.