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Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Mark Slater
April 29, 2022

When it comes to safety in construction and manufacturing, there are Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules that a company cannot ignore. You always want to make sure you remember to put your safety and the safety of your employees and visitors first above all else. For you and your co-workers to remain safe while on the job steps must be taken to minimize potential injuries. Some of the potential injuries in a construction or industrial setting include being electrocuted, falling, receiving a head injury, being burnt, having a limb amputated, or experiencing hearing loss caused by loud equipment.

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Casey Heigl
January 12, 2022

The construction industry is always changing and evolving. Every year new trends appear within the industry, from technological advancements to a stronger focus on sustainability. If you run a construction company and you want to make sure you stay ahead of the game, it can be useful to be aware of emerging trends that could prepare you for the future.


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Blog Feature


By: Kendall Jones
August 27, 2021

Building product manufacturers are no strangers to technology. Manufacturing robots, IoT, automation, Industry 4.0, and integrated digital supply chains are just of few of the tools employed by manufacturers to improve efficiency, boost productivity and ensure the quality of their products. Over the past couple of years, an unexpected technology has started to make its way onto factory floors: augmented reality.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
December 18, 2020

Wage theft is a serious problem in the United States that affects workers in many industries. The construction industry, both residential and commercial, is not immune to the growing epidemic of wage theft. Wage theft occurs when a worker is denied full payment of the wages and benefits they legally owed by their employer.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Kendall Jones
October 14, 2020

If cash flow is the lifeblood of the construction industry, then most are in desperate need of a transfusion. In a recent survey of construction firms, 84% reported that they had problems with cash flow. Almost 19% stated that they dealt with cash flow issues on a constant basis.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Casey Heigl
August 7, 2020

Climate is the biggest and most important factor in construction; it’s what determines the materials used, the time frame for construction and the durability and longevity of the constructed building.

Blog Feature

Construction Safety

By: Ellie Batchiyska
August 7, 2020

Pioneering your own construction business can often require jumping over more hurdles than most other businesses, simply due to the hazards associated with the job. Aside from ensuring your business is licensed and insured, managers and entrepreneurs also need to face the grueling task of understanding and complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Blog Feature

Construction Industry News

By: Kendall Jones
August 7, 2020

There’s a rare opportunity to work on a construction project located at the bottom of the world in a location few have ever visited. McMurdo Station, the largest of three U.S. Antarctic research stations, is about to undergo a massive construction and consolidation project over the next several years.

Blog Feature

Green & Sustainable

By: Kendall Jones
August 7, 2020

Concrete is one of the oldest and most versatile building materials known to man. The Ancient Romans used concrete to build aqueducts, roads and structures that still stand today like the Colosseum and the Pantheon Today, concrete is used in practically every type of construction due to its strength, durability and versatility.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Jeson Pitt
August 7, 2020

The overhead costs involved in a construction business are very different from those involved in a business from any other industry. The involvement of independent contractors, labor costs, equipment rentals and frequent location changes make the overhead costs in this business very different from any business in any other industry. These costs form a substantial portion of any estimate of any construction job.