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Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
August 26, 2022

Most construction companies want to deliver the best possible results for their clients while expending the least possible resources. Yet, the construction industry has traditionally been littered with waste and inefficiencies. Today, some of the most successful companies use lean construction philosophy to guide their operations. Companies that do regularly impress clients, maintain high morale and create high-quality structures.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Bryan Christiansen
August 26, 2022

Costs are an integral part of the construction business: the industry spends money to make money. But despite some of its best efforts, considerable operating costs are making it more challenging to compete and, in some cases, undermine the quality and value of the projects delivered to clients. Coupled with this are the mounting administration costs, salaries, rent, and others that send the red marker of some companies into overdrive. An obvious solution is to reduce these operating costs to remain profitable and competitive.


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Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Kendall Jones
October 14, 2020

While the construction industry has weathered the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic better than others like retail and hospitality, it hasn’t been all kittens and rainbows either. From February through April, the construction industry lost over a million jobs. To put that in perspective, during the Great Recession the industry lost about 2.3 million jobs. Through June, the industry has managed to gain back over 600,000 jobs.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Holly Welles
July 22, 2020

Subcontractors fill various niches in the construction industry, bringing their specialized skills whenever and wherever they're needed to complete a project. As with most things, it's important to be careful before choosing a subcontractor for any particular job. What do business owners and project managers need to know to properly vet their new subcontractors before signing on the dotted line? Here are a few tips.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Joe Peters
May 27, 2020

Ever since it struck at the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 has altered our lives. It has wrecked the economy, shoved millions of people out of a job, and locked us inside our homes.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Holly Welles
May 12, 2020

For any sector that isn't considered essential right now, work is hard to come by. The construction industry has been a mixed bag across states and localities, with some projects continuing and others on pause. While work may be scarce, many supervisors and business owners are looking for ways to keep their teams active and engaged. They're also trying to find methods to keep their employees working when everyone is supposed to be staying home and maintaining six feet of distance in public.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Dan Conery
April 2, 2020

Construction mistakes are a common occurrence and as expensive as a construction project is, any mistakes during the project can prove to be equally costly for the company. Moreover, when it comes to big projects, the last thing a contractor wants to deal with are extra costs. Construction mistakes force the contractor to add the repair and maintenance cost to the construction budget.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights | COVID-19

By: Conley Smith
March 27, 2020

As each new day brings a new state and federal guideline urging companies and employees to work remotely, the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing how many construction pros work daily. No doubt, the concept of “social distancing” may prove difficult to swallow in an industry built around person-to-person, one-on-one interactions—from directing crews in the field to huddling around plans in the office.

Blog Feature

Operating Insights

By: Justin Gitelman
March 18, 2020

Construction technology can add value to your business when struggling to transition through each phase of a project. From bidding new jobs to blueprint apps, workforce time management, and exchanging payment documents, there are many free construction software options, as well as paid ones. This can make everyone’s job easier as you work your way from bidding, into project management, and finally to getting paid.