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By: Conley Smith on March 10, 2021

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The State of Women in Construction Infographic

Construction Industry News

As we celebrate Women in Construction Week (March 7-13th), it's exciting to look at how and where women are having an impact on the industry. 

Even as the total number of those employed in construction dropped from 11.3 million in 2019 to 10.7 million in 2020, the number of women holding construction jobs held steady at 1.1 million.  

Whether they own their construction firm or work on the jobsite, women are discovering construction offers a smaller gender pay gap and plenty of room for advancement. In construction, women earn about 95 cents for every dollar a man earns when compared to the average 80 cents for every dollar a woman earns in other industries.  

Many construction trades provide well-paying jobs that do not require a college degree. These positions also provide security, competitive benefits, and even better—on-the-job training. Many construction careers are accessible through apprenticeships for women who are willing to take the leap.  

In addition, with technology playing a big role in construction every day, women are finding many of these jobs are wide open. A recent survey of 1,000 women in construction conducted by Levelset revealed that 81% say that having access to technology has enabled them to do their job, and 84% say their company supports professional training opportunities. 

Today, new roles related to innovation and virtual design like chief technology officer, chief innovation officer, and construction technologist, are shattering gender stereotypes. 

As the economy begins to reboot with businesses and schools reopening, the construction industry will likely be right back to struggling to attract the next generation of workers. Post-pandemic it will be interesting to see whether more women answer the call.  Women in Construction FINAL