Si sea para proyectos que cree o de otra fuente, querrá aprovechar nuestros videos de entrenamiento para aprender todo sobre cómo trabajar con el despegue. ¡Desde configurar sus preferencias hasta configurar con precisión la escala, hasta crear y dibujar con artículos de despegue, nuestros videos de entrenamiento pueden ayudarlo a aprovechar al máximo ConstructConnect Takeoff!
3m 01s
Descubre lo esencial dentro de ConstructConnect Takeoff. Aprenda como encaja el CCTO en toda la plataforma ConstructConnect, así como donde realizar el despegue, ver los resultados y aplicar el costo unitario.
2m 52s
Obtenga información sobre como enviar un proyecto al CCTO desde ConstructConnect Project Intelligence, cómo encontrar el proyecto en el CCTO y como preparar el proyecto para realizar el despegue.
3m 36s
Averigüe como revisar los resultados de sus cantidades y como aplicar los costos unitarios a esas cantidades.
3m 07s
Explore los métodos para realizar el despegue utilizando artículos de despegue lineales, de área y de recuento.
2m 35s
Find out how to set user-specific preferences that relate to how you perform takeoff.
2m 54s
Find out how to create a library of master data that can be shared among all users in your organization.
2m 23s
Find out how to set permissions that control what users in your organization can do in the program.
3m 05s
Find out how the program's filtering, sorting, grouping, and finding functions can help you better organize your work and increase your effieicncy.
2m 35s
Learn how to invite users from outside your organization to collaborate on your projects.
1m 34s
Find out which users are working in a project at the same time.
2m 29s
Learn how to organize and manage your master list of projects and bids.
3m 15s
Learn how to create a project and bid by completing the Cover Sheet.
4m 02s
Learn how to add images to your bid by uploading them to the cloud using the Plan Organizer.
1m 31s
Learn the basics of creating the four types of Takeoff Items available for measuring your plans: linear, area, count, and attachment.
8m 09s
Learn how to create Linear Takeoff Items used to measure objects such as walls, continuous footings, and conduits.
5m 26s
Learn how to create Area Takeoff Items used to measure objects such as slab on grade, flooring, and ceilings.
5m 14s
Learn how to create Count Takeoff Items used to measure objects such as columns, doors, and fixtures.
7m 10s
Learn how to create Attachment Takeoff Items used to measure objects, such as exterior windows, skylights, and doors.
5m 47s
Learn how to save common Takeoff Items as templates (or groups of Items as template groups) so they can be reused on future bids.
6m 47s
Discover how to easily navigate the various tools and menus on the screen where you perform takeoff and add annotations.
2m 32s
Discover how to set, verify, and calculate the scale on each plan page you'll be working on.
3m 34s
Discover how to break down your takeoff results into categories, such as floors, buildings, elevations, or rooms.
3m 04s
Discover how to select and modify takeoff, zoom in and out, and pan around to different sections of your plan page.
2m 06s
Explore how to modify existing takeoff items, show and hide takeoff objects, and add columns to the Takeoff Items pane.
4m 02s
Explore how to draw linear takeoff for individual segments, continuous segments, rounded curves, and complex curves.
4m 10s
Explore how to draw area takeoff for objects based on their shape. Explore how to deduct quantities from area objects (backout).
0m 48s
Explore how to draw takeoff for objects you wish to count on your page.
3m 04s
Explore how to draw attachment takeoff. Attachments are count objects that can be deducted from a parent object, such as deducting a door from a wall.
1m 36s
Explore how to add a slope factor to area takeoff and then set the slope direction for the object.
4m 30s
Explore how to add a grid to area takeoff to calculate tile count for floors or ACT ceilings or saw cuts for control joints or rebar.
2m 10s
Explore how to automatically fill a space where quantity has been deducted from an area object with another takeoff item.
2m 03s
Explore how to draw takeoff for multiple takeoff items, such as a continuous footing and a concrete slab, simultaneously.
3m 00s
Explore how to show/hide groups of takeoff items or annotations using layers.
5m 07s
Find out how to add annotations, such as text boxes for RFIs, so you can communicate key bid information to colleagues.
1m 12s
Find out how to attach relevant files, such as spec sheets, PDFs, or jobsite photos, to your bid.
2m 31s
Find out how to create shortcuts to easily access schedules, section cuts, or detail views on various pages of your plan set.
2m 09s
Learn how to turn on and customize the Image Legend to display takeoff quantities directly on the image.
2m 21s
Learn how to create multiple bids within a single project.
5m 23s
Learn how to add and manage revisions and addendums to your original plans. (This applies to manually created projects only.)
5m 35s
Learn how to easily compare original and revision drawings to identify what's been changed.
3m 15s
Learn how to reassign completed takeoff from one takeoff item to another without deleting anything.
4m 17s
Find out how to view your bid's takeoff results and organize them to suit your needs.
4m 35s
Find out how to add unit cost pricing to each of your takeoff results to get a total cost for your bid.
5m 05s
Find out how to link your bid's takeoff results to a MS Excel spreadsheet.
4m 47s
Learn how to create custom formulas to calculate specific takeoff results, such as stud count for walls.
4m 38s
Learn how Typical Areas can make taking off repetitive objects, such as different units in an apartment building, easier and faster.
5m 31s
Learn how Typical Groups can make taking off repetitive objects, such as offices in a high-rise building, easier and faster.
2m 51s
Discover how to print plans with completed takeoff and add customized elements, such as an image legend, to be used at the jobsite.