Construction Economic News

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Alex Carrick

Alex Carrick served as Chief Economist at ConstructConnect for over 39 years. He retired in 2024.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 29th, 2022

A strange thing is happening with the U.S. foreign trade balance. It’s improving significantly. It’s no longer as steeply in the hole as it was. And why this is so unusual is because it’s occurring while the value of the U.S. dollar is rising, making imports cheaper and more attractive and rendering exports more expensive and, therefore, a harder sell.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 27th, 2022

There are aspects to the current inflation problem that deserve an airing. First, while the U.S. all-items CPI-U increase, often referred to as the headline rate, is +8.3% y/y and the core rate, which leaves out price-volatile food and energy items, is +6.3% y/y, there is another measure that isn’t nearly as extreme.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 22nd, 2022

In the United States, the Federal Reserve has just raised its key policy-setting interest rate, the federal funds rate, into a range from 3.00% to 3.25%. The intent is to cool inflation, which is +8.3% year over year for the Consumer Price Index (i.e., CPI-U, with U standing for urban consumers). The U.S. core inflation rate is +6.3%. Core leaves out price-volatile energy and food items.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 20th, 2022

There will be a lot riding on the hoped-for success of the U.S. manufacturing sector over the decade-plus ahead if the goals concerning carbon emission reductions by mid-century are to be met. There will need to be tremendously large investments in electric vehicle production line expansions, new EV battery plants, computer chipmaking operations, and in the fabrication of all the building products that will go into renewable electricity generation, utility-sized power storage units, coast-to-coast recharging stations, new hydrogen extraction facilities, and so on.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 16th, 2022

The accompanying table records the top 10 project starts in the United States for August 2022.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 16th, 2022

Clichés are often true and it is the case that a picture can be worth a thousand words.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 16th, 2022

August Found July To Be Hard Act To Follow ConstructConnect announced today that August 2022’s volume of construction starts, excluding residential work, was $40.0 billion, a decrease of -26.3% compared with July’s figure of $54.3 billion (originally reported as $53.7 billion).

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 16th, 2022

Statistics Canada’s August Labour Force Survey report was a downer. It set out a third straight month of total jobs count decline. In August, the employment step back was -40,000 jobs. In the two preceding months of July and June, the retreats were -30,000 and -43,000 respectively.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 8th, 2022

The other day, I wrote about U.S. city labor markets. Today’s article presents the same subject matter and graphics for Canada.

Blog Feature

By: Alex Carrick
September 7th, 2022

It’s always helpful to know which U.S. cities have the hottest economies and one way to make that assessment is to look at their labor markets.