Les sous-traitants trouvent plus de chefs de projet, sont promus entrepreneurs généraux, organisent et gèrent les opportunités d'appel d'offres sur votre tableau d'appel d'offres en ligne et effectuent des décollages numériques.
Trouver plus d'offresSurpassez vos concurrents avec des prospects de construction de qualité. Identifiez de nouvelles opportunités, examinez les tendances du marché et établissez les bons liens pour mieux comprendre la demande et vendre vos produits.
Vendez vos produitsAssurez la couverture des offres et améliorez votre taux de réponse avec le plus grand réseau de sous-traitants commerciaux, et découvrez de nouvelles opportunités d'appel d'offres pour remporter plus de travaux.
Créez et envoyez rapidement des invitations à enchérirAugmentez votre taux de spécifications, augmentez votre part de marché et maximisez votre pouvoir de vente grâce à des pistes de projets exploitables, des informations basées sur les données et les tendances du secteur de la construction.
Faites spécifier vos produitsTrouvez la solution de relevé numérique adaptée à votre entreprise de construction, depuis les outils de relevé spécifiques au métier jusqu'à une suite d'estimation de construction entièrement intégrée.
Effectuer des décollages numériquesTrouvez des offres de construction nécessitant vos services, connectez-vous avec des entrepreneurs et des entrepreneurs généraux qui soumissionnent pour des projets dans votre région et voyez quels projets proposent vos concurrents.
Générez des ventes plus fortesNOUVEAU! Prévisions de mise en place de la construction aux États-Unis
Renseignez-vous sur les dernières nouvelles en matière de construction commerciale, les projets d'actualité, la technologie de la construction, les informations sur l'exploitation, l'économie et bien plus encore.
Lire le blogNotre kit de survie pour l'estimation de la construction facilite l'estimation grâce à des articles de blog, des livres électroniques et des outils pour vous aider à mieux soumissionner et à remporter plus d'emplois.
Prenez le kit de survieAugmentez la visibilité de vos projets de construction et touchez davantage de soumissionnaires en partageant vos projets avec notre vaste réseau d'entrepreneurs.
Partagez vos projetsThe Economics Group offers industry professionals a comprehensive understanding of the US and Canadian construction economies. The construction sector has a massive footprint in the American economy accounting for a total spend of $2.1 trillion annually and 8.1 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Economics Group leverages ConstructConnect's best-in-class market data, our deep knowledge of economic fundamentals, and strategic partnerships to deliver in-depth reporting, rigorous analysis, and timely perspectives.
For the first 12 years of his career, Alex worked for the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. But for more than 3 decades now, he's been with the company that has become ConstructConnect, first as Canadian Chief Economist, then additionally as U.S. Chief Economist. He has written thousands of articles and delivered countless presentations on global, U.S. & Canadian economic and construction outlooks. Alex has a strong social media presence with tens of thousands of followers on X (formerly Twitter) and Linkedin. Alex holds a BA in Economics from the University of Western Ontario and an MA in Economics from the University of Toronto.
LinkedInMichael Guckes started in construction economics as a leading economist for the Ohio Department of Transportation. He then transitioned to manufacturing economics, where he served five years as the chief economist for Gardner Business Media. He covered all forms of manufacturing, from traditional metalworking to advanced composites fabrication. In 2022 Michael joined ConstructConnect's economics team, shifting his focus to the commercial construction market. He received his BA in economics and political science from Kenyon College and his MBA from the Ohio State University.
LinkedInConstruction Starts Here at ConstructConnect, where our mission is to help the construction industry start every project on a solid foundation. A leading provider of software solutions for the preconstruction industry, ConstructConnect empowers commercial construction firms to streamline their workflows and maximize productivity. ConstructConnect operates as a business unit of Roper Technologies (NASDAQ: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, and Fortune 1000.
Media may use these resources with attribution to ConstructConnect and, where applicable, the ConstructConnect economist.
ConstructConnect offers reliable and robust project data updated daily by our research team, allowing you to build trusted relationships and formulas to help you win more.
Resource data may be used in publications with attribution to ConstructConnect and, where applicable, the ConstructConnect economist.
Built from analysis of ConstructConnect’s proprietary project level data, The Expansion Index measures the dollar volume of projects in planning for States and metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) across the United States & Provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs) in Canada.
Each month ConstructConnect publishes the latest US and Canadian construction starts values at the national, State/Province, and local levels.
Updated quarterly, ConstructConnect’s Construction Starts Forecast provides a 5-year outlook of US and Canadian construction starts by type of structure and geography down to the county level.
Created in partnership with Oxford Economics, ConstructConnect’s Construction Put-In-Place Forecast delivers a 5-year forecast of work-in-progress payments for US construction at national, State, and county levels.
The Project Stress Index is a rolling measure of pre-construction projects delayed, abandoned, or placed on hold over the last 30 days. The Index is an early indicator of possible headwinds for the US Construction market.
Weekly updates about the construction economy, construction starts, forecasts, inflation, labor, and economic insight from our economists.
May 9, 2024, is our next webcast. Occurs twice a year in spring and fall, replays are here.